Ajay J. Kirtane教授谈论文写作:熟能生巧,巧能生精丨CIT国际视野
编者按:中华医学会第十九届中国介入心脏病学大会线上会议(CIT2021 Online)于5月6-9日线上召开,会议内容丰富、形式多样、精彩纷呈,包含大会开幕式、全体大会合作伙伴会议、最新临床试验发布、多场手术转播以及临床研究峰会等多个亮点。《国际循环》特邀采访“作为作者和审稿人,我们处理论文的方法”的讲者,来自纽约长老会医院的Ajay J. Kirtane教授,采访内容整理如下。
New York Presbyterian Hospital Dr. Ajay J. Kirtane
Ajay J. Kirtane 教授:过去的一年我们遭遇了许多挑战,尤其是COVID-19大流行。尽管受到疫情的影响,但我们还是取得了一些研究进展,我的同事们在去年的种种限制下,仍然取得了丰硕的成果,令我深受鼓舞和激励。
Ajay J. Kirtane 教授:细观近年来介入方面的研究,主要集中在包括冠状动脉、结构性心脏病、血管内治疗以及我所说的“交叉”领域,如心力衰竭和高血压。当然,在每一个领域中都还有许多“次级领域”值得深入研究。
Ajay J. Kirtane 教授:除了写作风格之外,关键是数据和分析是否准确,以及这个数据是否支持所得出的结论。与我而言,最大的担忧就是研究人员在观察关联的时候去假设因果关系,在做研究时,我们真的需要切实通过随机数据来说明当中的因果关系。
Ajay J. Kirtane 教授:我想这就如同生活中的一切一个道理,熟能生巧!常怀好奇的心,保持头脑清醒,因为未来还有很多新的领域、新的想法需要你去探索,值得你去深入。
《International Circulation》:As an expert in the field of intervention and a reviewer of the paper, what is your opinion about the impressive new research results in the field of intervention this year?
Dr. Ajay J. Kirtane:The past year has produced many challenges, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, research has progressed, and I am just inspired by all of my colleagues who have managed to be productive despite all of the constraints of the last year.
《International Circulation》:At present, what are the main areas of interventional research?
Dr. Ajay J. Kirtane:The major areas include coronary, structural, endovascular, and what I call “crossover” areas such as heart failure and hypertension. Within each area there are of course many sub-areas of intense investigation.
《International Circulation》:What are your main concerns in the process of reviewing papers?
Dr. Ajay J. Kirtane:Beyond the writing style, the key questions relate to whether the database and analyses are accurate, and whether the data supports the conclusions drawn. For me one of the greatest concerns relates to investigators assuming causality from observational associations. We really need randomized data to make statements of cause and effect.
《International Circulation》:What do you think should be done to write a good paper, and what advice do you have for Chinese scholars?
Dr. Ajay J. Kirtane:I think that like everything in life, practice makes perfect! Keep your mind fresh, because there are always new ideas to explore.