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[CIT2008]高端对话:结构性心脏病发展与挑战并存阜外心血管病医院戴汝平教授VS越南心脏协会主席Gia Khai Pham教授
 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2008/4/25 11:02:00    加入收藏
 标签:专家访谈(专题)  关键字:结构性心脏病 戴汝平 Gia Khai Pham 

<International Circulation>: What’s the most important progress in diagnosis and therapy of structural heart disease of this decade?

Prof. Gia Khai Pham:Medical imaging diagnosis has made great progress nowadays in structural heart disease, as well as in other heart diseases. Through medical imaging, we can make proper diagnosis accurately. Hence, we can cure the patients for many cases. Recently ultrasound in cardiology, besides CT and MRI, in a brief, has been quite important as far as the current progress of technology is concerned.
Prof. Gia Khai Pham: 我认为是医学影像学,如今,在结构性心脏病以及其他类型的心脏病中,医学影像学的作用越来越突显。有了它,你可以提供精确的诊断,从而治愈很多患者。另外,心内科中超声的应用、CT以及MRI,简而言之,均对目前的心内科有着十分重要的影响。

<International Circulation>: As for the therapy of structural heart disease, how to balance the surgery and medicine strategies?

Prof. Gia Khai Pham: With the advancing in interventional cardiology, many cases of acquired heart disease as well as congenital heart disease had been diagnosed successfully. In the developing countries, such as Vietnam and southern China,rheumatic heart diseases are still problems in the rural areas. But we can handle many cases with interventional methods,such as ballooning and PBMC. Ten years ago in Vietnam, there were lots of patients with mitral valve disease, like mitral valve stenosis, but nowadays there is fewer, partly because of better prevention and proper treatments. As for how to balance them, in the past, most of the cases had to be operated on, but nowadays, it is not only surgery being used, but also interventional cardiology and drug therapy. For instance, even for the most advanced technology, statins or stem cells, we can improve the effect of treatment for those patients. Hence drug therapy is as important as surgery, so it is called interventional-drug therapy.
Prof. Gia Khai Pham: 借助于目前介入心脏病学先进的技术,很多先天性及获得性心脏病都能够成功诊断。在发展中国家,如越南和中国,特别是南部地区及农村地区,我们还存在风湿性心脏病及血管性心脏病,借助于介入心内科的球囊成型及PBMC,我们能够治愈很多病例。以我的国家为例,10年前,我们有很多二尖瓣病变的患者,比如二尖瓣狭窄,但是今天,这样的患者少了很多,一部分原因是预防更加得力,另一方面的原因是治疗更加有效,比如PBMC。至于如何平衡手术与介入之间的关系,我可以说在过去,大多数的患者都要接受手术治疗,但是时至今日,并不仅仅应用外科治疗了,介入治疗及药物治疗也是非常好的办法,比如目前最先进的技术,也就是用骨髓细胞治疗患者,以及应用他汀类降脂药物等等,我们都可以提高药物治疗疗效。所以药物治疗非常重要,我们不能忽视介入治疗及药物治疗的作用。

<International Circulation>: While structural heart disease, a branch of cardiology, has made rapid progress. New equipments and new methods emerged. Could you talk about the future? What shall we do when we are facing the challenge?

Prof. Gia Khai Pham: In my opinion the future is bright. I say so not because I am the first person who has introduced interventional cardiology to Vietnam in 1997, but because interventional cardiology does have bright future not only in Vietnam but also in China, as well as in other countries, even in America. It benefits from many progresses in numerous fields. We have inter-disciplinary methods that can be merged into curing the diseases. For instance, we have medical imaging methods, interventional cardiology, video assisted robots, and stem cells, all of which will have a bright future. So does the treatment of heart failure. There has been great progress, not only in drugs, but also in mechanical procedures.
The first thing of consideration is to face the challenge. Challenge is some kind of gift that God offered us, because it is the struggle between evil and angel, what we must always face to. No challenge, no life. So as a physician, I would like to take challenge. People are thinking and making exertion consistently. In addition, there is no barrier between generations,while new generation succeeded the elder one, constructing alliance of struggle against the diseases.
Prof. Gia Khai Pham: 前景非常光明,并不是因为我1997年第一次把介入心内科引入到越南,我想说,介入心内科不仅仅在越南,在中国,全世界的任何地方,甚至在美国,它的前景也是非常光明的。为什么呢?因为它得力于很多学科的发展,它由很多科技组成部分,人们将不同学科的研究方法整合到一起用于治疗疾病。比如今天的医学影像学方法、介入心内科、机器人辅助手术以及对骨髓细胞及肝细胞的最新利用,所有这些的未来前景都是非常光明的。在治疗心力衰竭领域,也有很大进展,不仅仅在药物治疗方面,在手术及机械操作方面也有很大进展。所以,我们首当其冲就是要面对挑战,挑战是上帝赐给我们的礼物,因为这似乎是恶魔与天使之间的斗争,我们不能回避,只能面对,如果没有挑战,也就没有了生活。作为内科医生,我喜欢迎接挑战。现在人们每天都积极奋斗,而且在不同时代出生的医生间没有障碍,新一代的医生总是超过老一代的医生,联合起来共同迎接挑战!


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