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[CIT2012]CTO病变的PCI治疗——著名介入心血管病学权威Osamu Katoh博士访谈
作者:OsamuKatoh 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/3/27 10:52:40    加入收藏
 标签:偱证指南  关键字:Osamu Katoh CTO PCI 

  International Circulation: At that point, would you perform PCI immediately post-MI or wait a couple of days and do it as a separate procedure?
  Dr Katoh: Of course, we have to wait. We have to open the culprit lesion and wait. In the patient with no complications, we can recanalize the next day but if the patient has heart failure or in cardiogenic shock, we have to wait to allow some recovery.
  Dr Katoh:当然,我们必须等待,必须开通犯罪病变后继续等待。对于无并发症的患者,我们可以在第二天就开通闭塞病变;但如果患者存在心力衰竭或心源性休克,我们必须等待患者得到某种程度的康复。
  International Circulation: The major type of CTO lesion is fibrous and calcification and therefore wire plays an important role in intervention and wire design was the topic of your presentation. Do you think the future lies in designing better wires or in better techniques such as the retrograde approach?
  Dr Katoh: Whether we take the antegrade approach or retrograde approach or the complex antegrade approach, we definitely need a good wire to permit good wire control. In the past, we didn’t have good wires so our ability to control the wire was very limited due to the wires’ properties. So more than ten years ago, I determined to develop the new techniques in antegrade approach and then I started developing the retrograde approach. Back then we did not have good wires. With the Confianza or the Abbot or the Asahi Intecc wire, these are not sufficient for the next step in CTO-PCI. That is why I am now involved in the design of new CTO-PCI wires. I hope we get some new next generation CTO-PCI wires in the near future.
  Dr Katoh:不论我们采用正向技术或逆向技术或者复杂的正向技术,毫无疑问我们都需要一个好的导丝以获得好的导丝控制。过去,我们缺少好的导丝,由于导丝特性的不足,我们控制导丝的能力有限。在十余年前,我决定探索正向途径的新技术,其后又进一步发展了逆向技术。当时我们没有理想的导丝。现在虽然有了Confianza、雅培或AsahiIntecc导丝,对CTO-PCI的下一步发展仍不能完全满足需求。这就是我现在为何将精力投入新型CTO-PCI导丝的设计。我希望在不远的将来可以设计出一些新的下一代CTO-PCI导丝。

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